Solace Also A Sunset

Finding solace in a magnificent sunset is all together a good thing particularly at this time of year when now there is such worry. There are worries of natural daily life then there is the real worry of health. Covid 19 is still with us and will be for a long time to come.
I finished a book Common Ground by Justin Trudeau, What an inspiring lovely book. Lots of information and insight.
Momentarily I can feel the humidity here which is uncomfortable. Really don’t like this at all. Have to hydrate myself which is necessary so I don/t go find myself like before. Blood pressure is so important to daily health and should be monitored regularly.
Lots of items in store for this new month and all of them are vitally essential. Ian’s Birthday is in a couple of days. He is home for good which is wonderful without that worry. God kept him safe and praying nightly was the key. Andre is doing ok. His hemoglobin isn’t good though he has someone to get a handle on it. He has to go to the hospital for appointments for transfusions. He has dialysis today. He will be on a list for a transplant though not yet. This will be altogether new to him. Though very promising. So time will tell.
Have been keeping healthy in my own way. Eating apples daily. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. The story about carrots and eyes goes like this. Eat a carrot for the health of the eyes is a myth. In World War 11 the Germans and the American were in conflict along with the rest of the world. Don’t know the rest of the story. To make a long story short. Carrots have nothing to do with the eyes. I will find our the rest of the story and write it down so next I can say it. It’s really worth the time.

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